May 5 has been recognised as International Day of the Midwife around the world for many years. This year’s celebrations to mark the day will be different and the International Confederation of Midwives has provided some advice regarding marking the day in a meaningful way.
The International Day of the Midwife provides an opportunity to think again about our values and being with women, as noted in the Practice Standards for Midwives (NMBI, 2015).
This year has been challenging. What is most noticeable is the adaptations that you and your colleagues have made during the pandemic to ensure that women and their babies are safe and that they continue to get the best care.
The austere nature of working at a distance with women and the need to wear PPE should not hinder being with women. Being with women is realised through the use of effective communication, by assisting women to make informed decisions, by advocacy for women and through acknowledging that each woman’s needs and requirements are different and can change over time. Being with women is also about being present with the woman.
So, despite the pandemic, for midwives nothing has changed. Midwives continue to have ongoing respect for questions and the provision of non-judgmental answers, enabling women to make informed choices. Midwives can still listen when with women. Midwives can still work in partnership with women, they can advocate, they can ensure that all concerns, fears and worries are heard and supported as they should be.
These current times are testing for midwives and all healthcare professionals but midwives, collectively and individually, have an abundance of resilience that ensures they do not lose sight of the core values.
In the meantime, do celebrate the work of midwives this evening, stay safe and remember the fundamental contribution midwives make through the act of being with women.