Nurses Week 2014: Workshop - Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Midwives - Putting it into Practice
18 September 2014
Dear Colleague, As part of the launch of the NMBI Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives during Nurses Week we are hosting a workshop on the morning of the 10th October Friday to promote the new Code to the professions across the health care services.
The 2 hour workshop is directed at nurses and midwives in practice development, education and management to familiarise them with the Code so they in turn can share this new professional guidance within their own organisations and practice settings. We are seeking your support in nominating an individual from your organisation to attend the workshop and engage with colleagues. The agenda for the workshop is detailed below. It will involve small group discussions with the participants to explore topical professional and ethical concerns utilising the principles, values and standards of conduct from the Code to guide practice.
Please click here for Workshop Details.
Registration is required in advance of the workshop. Please forward the contact name and details of the individual you have nominated from your organisation to We would appreciate your response by Friday 3rd October 2014. For further information please contact us at the above email or via phone at 01 639 8565. Please note additional dissemination sessions by NMBI are being planned for future dates in November and will be circulated in the near future. Thank you for your support in promoting professionalism in nursing and midwifery. Yours Sincerely
 Dr Maura Pidgeon, Chief Executive Officer