New Initiative to Support Nursing and Midwifery Students – a Pilot
From time to time students contact us to request guidance, insights and statistics to support their studies. We cannot help everyone but we would like to help as many students as we can as these are our future nurses and midwives. With this in mind we are going to run a pilot programme for the next twelve months to see how student research support might work.
Our parameters for the pilot are as follows and we will publish this policy on our website as a reference point:
- If a student would like to request input from registered nurses and midwives in Ireland it needs to be done in survey format online (Survey Monkey or similar). It also needs to be short (one-to three minutes to fill out) and be easy to follow
- The student needs to understand that not everyone will fill it out
- The student owns the survey, its compilation and its results
- We cannot guarantee when or if it will go out in an ezine but we will be fair in our processing and time of receipt (at least two months in advance) will be important in this determination
- Our decision on inclusion in the ezine is final, and
- We may discontinue this process at any point.
We expect to include one student update or request per month which you can consider. It would be great if you had time to offer your input to students but your participation will be completely at your discretion.