Calls for Abstracts for Major Dublin Advanced Nursing Conference
Organisers of a major international conference on advanced nursing have issued a call for abstracts ahead of the event.
University College Dublin (UCD) is the venue for the 12th International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference from 21 to 24 August 2022.
NMBI Director of Education, Policy and Standards Carolyn Donohoe is on the organising committee for the conference.
With 2022 marking 26 years of Advanced Nursing / Midwifery practice in Ireland, the conference will showcase and celebrate advancements in nursing and midwifery practice from around the world.
The conference will promote stimulating and thought-provoking exchanges, offering delegates the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and experiences in both an educational and social environment.
Abstracts should be submitted by March 14 in following categories:
- Advancing Nursing Practice to address inequality i.e. care delivery for populations on the margins of society; inclusion health, impact on social determinants of health; advocacy; empowerment; gender, sexual and reproductive health; influencing public policy; universal health care.
- Advanced Nursing Practice, Leading innovation in health care delivery. i.e. quality improvement; innovations; use of technology such as informatics, digital health, genomics, robotics; re-imaging traditional models of care delivery; lessons and experiences during the pandemic that changed NP/APN practice.
- Health and Wellbeing i.e. achieving universal healthcare; health promotion and public health; maternal and child health; ageing populations; prevention, assessment, diagnosis and management of communicable and non-communicable diseases; mental health and substance abuse; palliative and end of life care.
- Global Health and Climate Change i.e. the actualisation of WHO sustainable goals; pandemic preparedness; access to medicine; disaster planning and response; migration and shifting populations due to climate change, poverty, war or violence; reducing harm from hazardous chemicals; access to clean water, basic health care; sustainability and biodiversity.
- Building a global NP/APN workforce for health i.e. role identity; standards of practice, competencies; education for advanced nursing practice, optimising scope of practice; legislation and regulation, strategies to equip NP/APNs to influence health policy locally, nationally and globally actively; workforce planning; safe staffing, recruitment and retention.
- Evidencing the impact of advanced nursing practice i.e. outcomes of NP/APN care; service user experiences; patient safety; risk management; access, coordination and quality of care; health care utilisation; cost-effectiveness; using data to develop and implement care delivery systems and practice body of text.
More information can be found at here.