Lynn O'Bryre, Assistant Director of Public Health Nursing, Dublin West
This month Lynn O‘Byrne tells the story we all know too well and takes the opportunity to pay tribute to her colleagues who have taken on all the challenges that have come their way in recent months. Thank you Lynn for sharing this poem which will undoubtedly strike a chord with many.
If you have a story that you would like to share to celebrate the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife please send it along with pictures to
All for the call
Lynn O’Byrne
‘Twas January, maybe February when word broke,
Corona virus posed threat, was no joke.
We listened and watched for reports as it spread.
To Europe it came with pace and dread.
Our shores? Surely not, please God not here.
For this was all new, a lot was unclear.
29th of February, confirmed case, our worst fear.
Travel they did, it continued with frowns.
Sound of hooves on the ground, smell of a pound.
While at home our Health Service prepared for the worst, hoped for the best,
Planned well, none the less.
Colleagues, without, absent two or three,
Put the head down, shoulder to wheel.
Orders they took and rolled up their sleeves, set up Hubs, Test Centres and penned
rotas for teams.
Health Centres were closed some service suspended,
Staff advised, re-deployed, decanted, leave ended.
They trained and they worked and led by example.
Supported staff to up skill, and tap into potential.
They worked Monday to Sunday, morning to night, to aid staff and country to fight.
Weekends they did work, which was new, not contracted, without question ‘twas done,
Overtime never counted.
No worries had they, for their safety, just others.
Perhaps children at home, their fathers or mothers.
Multitasking new challenges, a phone call of crisis, outside their service, nothing
Flat tyre, childcare.... all was a challenge but worked through and dealt with, a smile,
no front tears,
Car parks they did stand, in the cold and the rain, guiding others to be present,
settle and plan.
Test centres, logistics, one way systems and com’s, new practices, procedures,
unprecedented demands.
Then Hubs they did go, HI HO... HI HO...
Don and Doff, service did flow.
Hard work, motivation and duty played part; the abilities displayed were a work of art.
However, without staff, competent and willing,
They would not have managed such a tough situation,
without whom there would be no test centre, HUB station.
The Public Health Nursing service with others stood tall,
Responded to Irelands cry and call, help was needed, prevent her fall.
Such experience and knowledge they have given and gained, thanks to their
enthusiasm to listen, answer and train.
Proud I am to work with this bunch, of PHNs RGNs and all assistants of such.
We are lucky as Nurses, privileged in fact, life events we share be them happy or sad.
Some say vocation but more say profession, these ladies and lads not a calling just
but a conscious decision was made and enacted.
With pride they did stand in these challenging times, shoulder to shoulder, all
disciplines equal, woman to man.
But as for the few that inspired these words, and represent the many I am proud to
call colleagues.
I hope recognition’s received for commitment, not wanted, I know, but perhaps warranted.
This crisis has taught us what’s important in life, has shown us on whom we depend,
in trouble and strife.
History we have lived through and future now changed; we hope improvements pertain
to a few situations.
Thank you, Thank you, Thanks to you and all,
Nurses, angels on Earth, we are called.