2022 Annual Registration Renewal Window Extended


The upcoming 2022 annual registration renewal window is being extended to allow nurses and midwives more time to register. It will be open for registration from 25 October 2021 until 31 January 2022. We hope the additional time will make the process as user-friendly as possible for our registrants.

All nurses or midwives practising in Ireland are required to have your name on the Register of Nurses and Midwives which is maintained by NMBI. Each year it is necessary to pay the annual renewal to maintain your registration. 

For the second year, the annual renew process will be done exclusively through MyNMBI. NMBI remains committed to improving our registration process and making it more streamlined and less paper driven. We recognise that some registrants experienced difficulties in engaging with the online system and over the past few months we have listened to the feedback from registrants and worked to streamline the process. An upgrade of our MyNMBI system has been introduced in the past few weeks, which aims to improve the experience for users. This year, the application will be mobile enabled, making it more convenient to access MyNMBI services. A number of guides will also be made available ahead of this year’s annual renewal.  

Notices will be issued to inform all registrants in advance of the annual renewal window and full information will be published on our website. 

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