NMBI Board Approves New Requirements for Nurse Registration Programmes
We are delighted to announce that the Board of NMBI has approved a new ‘Requirements Section’ for the Nurse Registration Programmes Standards and Requirements. This was last reviewed in 2016 and the Education Department worked with experts in the field to update and improve the process.
The system was tested during the ‘Proof of Concept’ project with Dublin City University in December 2020 and Dundalk Institute of Technology in May 2021. The project saw NMBI site inspectors interacting with the education bodies in a collaborative way, encouraging dialogue and learning on both sides. The clinical aspect of site inspections was tested more recently with the health care partners for Munster Technological University, Tralee and the National University of Ireland, Galway in November and December 2021.
The insights and learning from the updated hybrid technological approach to inspections was further scrutinised by a panel of academic and clinical experts from various disciplines and backgrounds, who gave it the overall sign of approval. The final product was developed and brought to the Board of NMBI last month. The Board were delighted to approve the new requirements which introduces a more streamlined interactive approach and a mix of inspectors with a diverse range of nursing and midwifery experiences.
Great progress was made due to the dedication and commitment of NMBI’s Education team over the last two years. They embraced change and pushed forward the new way of doing things with determination. We would also like to sincerely thank our academic and clinical partners for their contribution to this improved approach. NMBI will be launching the new requirements this March with an information webinar for those interested in learning about the changes. We look forward to announcing the launch date and time shortly.