The annual retention date of 31 December is approaching and the renewal process will be handled this year by the new MyNMBI registration system. We will issue renewal notices in late November with new login credentials for those who have not previously used the site.
As the email addresses held on the old registration system were of poor quality, we have decided to collect email addresses again from all registrants so that we can use email communication more widely in future. The first step of the process this year is that you enter and confirm your personal email address. Your email address and password will be the login credentials for MyNMBI into the future.
The annual renewal process will also request that you confirm your correspondence address and that you enter your employment details. This has been a legal requirement for some time but registrants have not been provided with a mechanism to record or update employment details. You will also be requested to confirm the divisions (from your registration) in which you are currently practising and whether you are providing direct patient care or are ‘patient facing’.
These additional questions will enable us to provide accurate statistics on practicing nurses and midwifes in Ireland to the EU and the OECD. The provision of these statistics will become a legal EU requirement. Previously we have only been in a position to report on the numbers of registered or licensed nurses and midwives which skews the data and depicts an inaccurately high ratio of nurses per 1,000 people. Examples of this data can be observed in the OECD report Health at a Glance 2019.