Now as we head into the last few months of the year we have our usual daily duties and the planning for next year but most excitingly we can also look forward to the launch of the new online registration system, MyNMBI. While many regulators are moving towards new technology, we will be one of the first to launch and in this context I wanted to take a moment to give you an overview of what to expect.
I think it is important to note first off that while it’s great to be leading the way, trailblazers also get to experience the bumps, as the reference points are few. Since we started on this path it is safe to say that we have hit a few bumps. Now however when we launch you will have a system that has everything you need in one place and a fast, easier and more transparent way of retrieving your NMBI documents, making requests and checking the status of an application. We will also publicly publish a searchable Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register, for the first time.
The graduates of 2020 from nursing and midwifery programmes in Ireland will, for the most part be the first to use the system and as the rest of our registrants follow suit we expect to see a decrease in the 50,000 items of post we get and the 150,000 notices we send out every year, giving us the opportunity to focus on reducing our processing times and responding more efficiently to applicant and registrant requests.
From 5am on Monday 21 September all of the data from our old database will be transferred to our new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. It will take the full week to transfer the data of 8,000 candidates, 6,000 applicants and over 100,000 registrant records – those currently registered and those who were removed.
For the week-long period of 21 – 25 September while the Register data is being migrated, we cannot update or change details on the Register or add new registrants as this work would not be reflected in the new system.
By Monday 28 September the migration of records will have been completed and verified. All candidates to include final year nursing and midwifery students will have received their credentials by letter to login to the new system to update their details and apply for registration. Once registered, they will also download their certificate online. The first-time login process will collect an applicant’s or registrant’s up to date email address as the email addresses that we have on file have not been updated for several years.
During October all registrants will receive a letter with their personal login details which will provide access to MyNMBI. User guides will also be available on our website to support you as you login for the first time. If you need further support you can email or call 1890 200 166. We have added extra capacity in our customer service area through to the end of this year to ensure we can support all those who need help.
MyNMBI is a significant milestone in the development and progression of NMBI and is the culmination of much work by a dedicated team. To everyone who has worked on or contributed to MyNMBI, I wanted to say thank you and to all our registrants I hope you find using the new system faster and easier for everything you need. As with the beginning of our journey we may experience a few more bumps in the coming weeks but I believe we will prevail and emerge as a more efficient and effective regulator.
Thank you in advance for your patience and your feedback,

Sheila McClelland