2022 was another challenging year for nurses and midwives, and I would like to thank all registrants and students for their hard work and dedication as they continue to provide person-centred care.
2023 will no doubt bring with it new challenges but here at NMBI, we look forward to meeting these head on through implementation of our Statement of Strategy 2023-2025.
As the regulator, our role is to enhance patient safety by supporting nurses and midwives to deliver safe care. We are focused on delivering on our statutory remit and over the coming three years we also aim to position ourselves as enablers of system-wide change.
Since we launched our last Statement of Strategy in 2020, the healthcare landscape has changed significantly, and particularly during Covid-19. There is no doubt that nurses and midwives in Ireland have shown their commitment during these changes, as have my colleagues at NMBI. We will work proactively to continue to support our registrants in providing the highest standards of care through improved registration, education and complaints processes.
In a series of events throughout the country in 2022, the NMBI team had the opportunity to meet with registrants across each division of the Register. This provided us with valuable insights and we look forward to expanding this continued engagement and partnership with our registrants, colleagues and stakeholders next year.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing President, Essene Cassidy, for her exemplary years of service. She was first elected to the Board as a public health representative in 2012, and over the years since, particularly during her Presidency, she has represented NMBI with distinction both nationally and internationally. She will be greatly missed within the organisation and by stakeholders.
I would also like to wish our 11 Board members who are stepping down this month for their contribution and dedication over their time in office and wish them well in the future.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our registered nurses and midwives, and our partners in Government, education and business a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Season’s Greetings,
Sheila McClelland