NMBI wishes to draw registrants’ attention to the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy and NMBI Principles in this area. Ireland was the first country in the world to publish such a strategy. You can read it on this link here.
The Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives (‘the Code’) published in December 2014 contains many principles consistent with the objective of Action 8(b) to “prohibit the promotion or practice of conversion therapy by health professionals in Ireland”.
Principle 1 – Respect for the Dignity of the Person. This principle is drawn from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948) which recognises the inherent dignity and equality of human beings.
Principle 1, Value 1 provides that Nurses and Midwives respect each person as a unique individual.
Value 4 provides that Nurses and midwives respect each person’s right to self-determination as a basic human right. In respecting the right to self-determination, the requirement of informed consent is key. Except in exceptional circumstances, it is a violation of patients’ rights to treat them without their consent. It is presumed that all adults have capacity to make healthcare decisions. Capacity is understood as the ability to understand, deliberate, and communicate a choice in relation to a particular healthcare decision at a particular time.
Furthermore, Value 5 under this Principle states that Nurses and midwives respect all people equally without discriminating on the grounds of age, gender, race, religion, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, disability (physical, mental or intellectual) or membership of the Traveller community.
Principle 2 of the Code relates to Professional Responsibility and Accountability, with Value 4 providing that Nurses and midwives advocate for patients’ rights. Standard of Conduct 6 under this principle states You should act as an advocate on behalf of patients who require you to do so to ensure their rights and interests are protected.
Principle 3 – Quality of Practice. Value 4 under this principle requires Nurses and midwives use evidence-based knowledge and apply best practice standards in their work. Standard of Conduct 4 further adds that You should be kind and compassionate in your practice.
All registered nurses and midwives in each area of practice (clinical, education, research, administration, or management) should adhere to the Code’s principles, values and standards of conduct.
The National LGTBI+ Inclusion Strategy consultation found that: “for LGBTI+ people to enjoy access to services on an equal basis with other people, mainstream services will need to ensure that they apply a LGBTI+ lens to service provision. This will firstly involve reviewing existing services to ensure that LGBTI+ people are visible and included. This may require services explicitly to signal that they are inclusive of LGBTI+ service users. Secondly, in some instances, it may not be enough for services to signpost that they are open to LGBTI+ users. In such instances, services may need to adapt provision to ensure that LGBTI+ people can access them on an equal basis with other users. Where LGBTI+ people have particular needs or where outcomes are poorer for them than for other groups, mainstream services may need to bring forward positive action measures specifically targeted to LGBTI+ related needs” (DOJ, 2019).