In This Issue
National Conference 2013
Call for Abstracts for NMBI Conference 2013
NMBI - Committee Appointments
3 out of 5 Read Product Information for Rx Medicines
Evaluation of Nurse Prescribing of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland (2009)
Events, Courses and Research that may be of interest to you
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National Conference 2013

The annual national conference will be held on 9 October 2013 at the Chartered Accountants House, Pearse Street, Dublin 2.

The theme for this year’s event is 'Back to the future: Preserving the fundamentals of nursing and midwifery and adapting to new futures in healthcare'.

The Minister for Health Dr James Reilly T.D. will address the conference. 

The conference aims to demonstrate the importance of basic nursing and midwifery care in tandem with innovative modern technology.  The full programme will be posted on our website in the coming weeks.  It will also appear in our ezine. For further information, please click here.

Call for Abstracts for NMBI Conference 2013

This year we are delighted to introduce poster presentations at our conference. All interested nurses and midwives are welcome to submit an abstract for the poster presentation session which promotes, supports and advances the Patient Safety agenda.

For further information, please click here

NMBI - Committee Appointments
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland wishes to appoint persons who will assist the work of the Board through participation on established statutory Board committees. Application is through the Public Appointments Service.

For further information, please click here

Irish Medicines Board logo
3 out of 5 Read Product Information for Rx Medicines
The results of a survey released today by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB) which examined how consumers source and use information in relation to medicines, reveals that close to nine out of 10 people (87% confirm they understand the product information (i.e. leaflets and packs) accompanying their medicines. Some two thirds of people (63%) state that they always read the product information when taking a prescription medicine and this reduces to one out of two (52%) people in relation to over the counter medicines.
For further information, please click here
Evaluation of Nurse Prescribing of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland (2009)

A National Evaluation of The Guiding Framework for the Implementation of Nurse Prescribing of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-Ray) in Ireland (2009) has commenced. This extensive evaluation is being undertaken by University College Dublin in partnership with University College Cork. Dr. Jonathan Drennan is the Principal Investigator.  

A Project Evaluation Steering Group representative of all stakeholders has been established to ensure a robust and complete evaluation of the implementation of nurse prescribing of ionising radiation (X-Rays) as determined by the “The Guiding Framework for the Implementation of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-ray) in Ireland” (HSE 2009), and to furnish a report on the project findings to the National Advisory Committee for their consideration and publication. It is envisaged that the project will be of six months duration.

Should you require any further information or clarification please contact: Ms Maura FitzGerald, National Co-ordinator Nurse Prescribing of Medical Ionising Radiation (X-Ray), tel 086 3833289, email:
Events, Courses and Research that may be of interest to you
NMBI is happy to host the advertisement/promotion of an event/course/research that may be of interest to nurses and midwives and meets the Board's standards as a regulator. Please see our policy and disclaimer for the promotion and advertisement of external courses/research and events on our website for further information. 

NMBI also provides a directory that has information on hundreds of continuing education and professional development programmes that have NMBI Category 1 approval. This Directory is available to access on our website and is managed by the Education Department of the Board.

 1. Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin,

The Centre of Children’s Nurse Education, Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin will be holding a one day Continuing Education Programme for registered nurses, midwives and other healthcare professionals, entitled 'Caring for the Child with a Life-Limiting Condition - Level A programme' at various locations around the country.

For further information re dates & locations, please contact Fiona Woods, tel 01 4096605, email

2. All Ireland Institute of Hospice & Palliative Care (
AIIHPC) Clinical Research Fellowships

AIIHPC Clinical Research Fellowships All Ireland Institute of Hospice & Palliative Care (AIIHPC) is pleased to announce the launch of four Clinical Research Fellowships to support health and social care professionals involved in clinical practice to undertake short-term research projects/ activities relevant to palliative and end of life care. These Fellowships, worth €10,000 each, will assist individuals to protect dedicated time within their clinical commitments in order to undertake small-scale research project/activities in one of the following broad areas relevant to palliative care:  

•   Symptoms/symptom management
•   Psychosocial support for patients and/or carers
•   Research focused on specific groups and populations
•   Health service research
•   Research informing policy and practice                                                                                                                        

The purpose of these Fellowships is to facilitate individuals to develop, commence or continue a project in their area of interest. This might be for example, a: 

•   Systematic review
•   Feasibility/pilot study
•   A stage/phase of a larger study
•   Development of a research proposal for funding  

Please note the Fellowships will not support clinical audits.  

The Clinical Research Fellowships are targeted at health and social care professionals (including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, social workers, psychologists, etc), working in clinical practice in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland, with previous experience of and a commitment to palliative and end of life care research.  

The closing date for applications is 1st July 2013. For further information and an application form, please visit (see ‘downloads’) or contact Dr Tara Murphy, Programme Manager Research

3. Engage: National Men's Health Training

Engage: National Men’s Health Training Programme is being delivered by the Health Promotion Department, HSE South in partnership with Institute of Technology Carlow, Waterford Institute of Technology and the Men’s Development Network on the following dates: September 11 & 12 and October 16 & 17 2013 in Teach Bhride, Tullow, Co Carlow.

For further details, please contact Dr. Aoife Osborne, tel 0876413241, email

4. Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) Annual Conference 2013

Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) will hold their Annual Conference on Thursday 7 November 2013 in the Citywest Hotel, Dublin. The conference chaired by John Bowman includes speakers from both the domestic sector and International experts. 

For further information, please contact Paula Lumsden, Event Co-Ordinator, tel  01 4292570, email website

5. Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) Annual Care Awards, 2013

Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) Annual Care Awards will take place on Thursday 7 November 2013 @ 7.30pm (the evening of the Annual Conference) in the Citywest Hotel, Dublin. The NHI Care Awards is the definitive celebration of excellence across the Nursing Home sector.

The purpose of the awards is to promote best practice within the sector and pay tribute to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding excellence and dedication within their field of work.

For further information, please contact Mary Cuthbert, tel 01 2969394, email  website

6. 11th EUSE Conference 2013

The EUSE Conference will take place in Croke Park Stadium, Dublin from the 11 to 13 June 2013. The European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) conference, hosted by the Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE), and sponsored by the Rehab Group, will see Ireland at the centre of international efforts to advance supported employment when delegates from more than 30 countries convene in Croke Park Stadium and Conference Centre.

For further information, please contact Patricia McColgan,  website







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