Information for registrants who may still be available to help - COVID-19


Dear colleagues,


Over the last six weeks almost 1,000 professionals have returned to the Register of Nurses and Midwives. This response has been fantastic, a credit to the professions and good additional support for the healthcare system in the current context.


While we anticipate that many of you will now be working, there may still be some who are available to help.


In this context we wanted to bring to your attention the vacancies in social care settings. We welcome the HSE and INMO agreement that was reached last weekend to better support this sector. While a broader group of public servants will have the opportunity to redeploy under this initiative, there will also be opportunities for healthcare professionals.


If you feel you could lend your skills to the social care sector or if you have not yet contacted the HSE or your local hospital we would encourage you to consider the following three options:


1. Follow the NHI recruitment drive link. This will direct you to nursing homes in your preferred location. The nursing home, on receipt of your application, will take the process from there.


2. If you have not already done so, contact your local hospital or your previous employer about ways that you could help.


3. Be on call for Ireland through the HSE.


We would recommend that you consider your competency and health in relation to your applications - nurses and midwives play a vital role in treating patients but care for oneself will always make for more effective care of others.


Thank you for considering these opportunities.



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Information for registrants who may still be available to help - COVID-19
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