Focus on Fitness to Practice series is launched

The Focus on FTP series will be an 8-part online series of articles from NMBI. These articles will focus on issues in relation to complaints made about registrants.


The primary aim of the series is to inform and guide registrants so that they have increased awareness of fitness to practise issues, and this can inform their practice and behaviour.


Each new publication will be made available on our website every two months and promoted through our monthly eZine.


NMBI would like to invite all registrants, members of the public, and stakeholders who have an interest, or have been involved in the FTP process, to read the articles.


The first article provides an overview of emerging trends and issues in relation to complaints and is available now: Trends and Issues in FTP.

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In this issue
Season's Greetings from NMBI
Midwifery 100 Years Conference
ARF Deadline (31 December 2018)
NMBI Position Statement on the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill 2018
NMBI Public Consultation
Advanced Practice Submission Dates
Expressions of interest for NMBI Committees
Psychiatric Nurse Post-Registration Programme: Standards and Requirements (2018)
Focus on Fitness to Practice series is launched
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