Dear Applicant I refer to a decision letter issued to you from NMBI requesting that you successfully complete a period of adaptation and assessment as a pre-requisite to registration in the GENERAL division of the Register. I wish to draw your attention to a further option which is now available as an alternative to the decision you already received. The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) has been granted approval by the Board of NMBI to offer an APTITUDE test which can be now also be considered by you. Please refer to the RCSI website for full details of the APTITUDE test. Please note you can only choose ONE of the options below - Option 1 : Adaptation and Assessment decision already issued to you
OR - Option 2 : RCSI Aptitude test
Please note the decision letter already received by you is only valid for a twelve month period. If you have not secured an adaptation placement OR applied to sit the RCSI Aptitude test within the twelve month timeframe your file will be closed. |