Removal from Register for non-payment of ARF 2015 |
The Board of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) will be considering the removal of names from the Register of Nurses and Midwives for non-payment of the Annual Retention Fee (ARF 2015) at its scheduled Board meeting on 26th May 2015. Reminder notices were issued on 9th April 2015 to those nurses and midwives who did not pay their ARF for 2015. If a nurse/midwife employed in your organisation has not paid this fee and they are actively engaged in the practice of nursing/midwifery (including clinical practise, education, management or research) they run the risk of having their name removed from the Register for non-payment and will not be able to practise until their name is restored to the Register. Please see below flowchart titled ARF Key Dates flowchart 2015 If an employee already paid this fee directly into the NMBI bank account and did not provide a PIN at the time of payment their fee could not be allocated to their NMBI record, as advised in the Reminder Notice they need to act immediately. They should urgently contact NMBI Accounts Department at providing all relevant details, (eg date of payment, PIN and any other relevant reference details) to ensure their payment is allocated to their account prior to the Board considering the removal of names from the Register on 26th May. If the Removal from the Register is agreed by the Board on Tuesday next the Minister, HSE and all known employers, as well as the individuals concerned will be informed immediately. |
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