Consultation on Digital Health Competency Closes 11 April


Share your views in our public consultation on the Draft Digital Health Competency Standards and Requirements for Undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery Education Programmes before it closes on Tuesday, 11 April.

The draft document aims to ensure that digital health is incorporated into education programmes which lead to registration to ensure nurses and midwives learn about digital tools as part of their education. The draft standards aim to align with national and international evidence-based practice in a changing digital health environment.

Digital health is a key priority to support the redesign of services required under the Sláintecare model of care. We would like to capture your experience and opinion of the draft standards and requirements for the digital health competencies for undergraduate education programmes.

This survey is completely anonymous. Your contribution to the consultation process is important and we would appreciate you feedback.

You can view the Draft Digital Health Competency Standards and Requirements and complete the survey on our website.