Carolyn Donohoe and Dr Louise Kavanagh McBride
NMBI Presents at QQI Finding Common Ground Event


Our President Dr Louise Kavanagh McBride and our Director of Education, Policy and Standards Carolyn Donohoe presented at the Quality and Qualifications (QQI) 'Finding Common Ground' event for professional statutory and regulatory bodies on Monday, 20 February.

The presentation detailed NMBI’s approach to developing and implementing a joint professional and academic accreditation process. Louise and Carolyn talked attendees through a case study of the quality review process of the nursing degree programmes at the Department of Nursing and Healthcare, Atlantic Technological University (ATU) Donegal. This was first time an education body’s quality review process was conducted at the same time as it was receiving its regulatory validation inspection. They discussed the challenges and benefits posed by conducting the processes in tandem for the regulator and the education body.

The event was an opportunity to share learning and knowledge with other professional regulators.

Attendees also heard about QQI’s Rethinking Assessment Project, as well an update on its assessment work and upcoming projects.