Annual registration renewal 2023
Thanks to Registrants for Engaging in 2023 Annual Renewal


The 2023 annual renewal window closed earlier this month and we would like to thank all our registrants who completed the process. 

The annual renewal fee goes towards our work to support nurses and midwives to provide care to the highest standards. This work includes:  

  • Maintaining the Register of Nurses and Midwives and the Candidate Register for students.  
  • Developing standards and guidance for nurses and midwives.  
  • Assessing and approving education programmes for the professions.  
  • Investigating complaints made against registrants.

The information registrants provided through the annual renewal process allows us to compile valuable data which informs broader research and evidence-based workforce planning across the Irish healthcare system. This will enable healthcare planners, policymakers and providers to make informed decisions benefiting the public and the professions.   

NMBI’s Director of Registration, Dr Ray Healy thanked the nurses and midwives who have renewed their registration for 2023: “I am pleased to say that more than 80,000 completed this year’s annual registration renewal and I would like thank all our registered nurses and midwives for their engagement.  

“Based on the information provided, work can begin to publish our annual State of the Register. This is an important publication that allows us to provide details on how many nurses and midwives are registered, practising and patient-facing in Ireland. We can also report on the gender, age and the geographical location of our registrants.” 

All nurses and midwives who practise in Ireland must, by law, be listed on the Register of Nurses and Midwives. Practice includes nursing or midwifery clinical practice, management, education, and research.  

For registrants who have neither renewed their registration nor voluntarily removed their name from the Register, we are legally obliged to include their name on the list of registrants that will be considered by the Board for removal. The Board considers removals from the Register for failure to pay the Annual Retention Fee (Section77 (1) of the Nurses and Midwives Act 2011) and will consider these at the March meeting. Please note that notifications of removals are sent to the Minister for Health, known employers, and the Health Service Executive (Section 82 of the Act).