June Consultations – Positive Increase in Engagement
In June we consulted on proposed amendments to a number of the Nurses and Midwives Rules. 395 responses were received from individuals and organisations. The results of the consultation were considered by the NMBI Board earlier this month. Following Ministerial review we will share updates with you in our next ezine.
Thank you also to all who gave their opinion on the name for our new registration system which is due to launch at the end of September this year. We had 251 responses with MyNMBI emerging as the clear favourite. Positively this choice supports a strong registrant connection with the system.
MyNMBI will provide many user benefits - you will renew online, store key documents in your account, review the register in real-time - and enable us as your regulator to meet OECD and EU reporting requirements. It will also enable us to identify gaps in the number of nurses and midwives in the system or the skills needed locally to ensure patient safety.
19 June 2020 – consultation on name of new registration system – summary of results: