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Launch of National Clinical Guideline: National Early Warning Score
NMBI On-line Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Directory Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Development of a Child and Family Health Needs Assessment (CFHNA)
New Forum and Recommendations for Diabetes Injection Technique
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Events, Courses and Research that may be of interest to you

1. Survey by Callan Institute St John of God Hospitaller Ministries

Are you working in a Behaviour Specialist role in an Intellectual Disability Service in Ireland?   If so, The Callan Institute St John of God Hospitaller Ministries, would like to invite you take part in a short internet survey.

The Callan Institute are interested in finding out more about the staff employed in these roles, their duties and how they fit into the structures of the services they work in. The aim is to identify how we can best support the skills set of staff employed and identify their future needs. This will help us look at how to provide the best possible services to individuals in receipt of behaviour services.

The survey is completely anonymous and should take no longer than 5-10 minutes.

To take part in this survey, please click the following link:

2. Flora Women's Mini Marathon - ALONE

As Spring is hopefully sprung and we leave the winter behind us, getting fit and shaping up for summer is on the agenda with refreshed and renewed vigor! The Flora Women’s Mini Marathon has begun and ALONE would like to put out a call to all of you wonderful women (and any brave men!) to consider us in 2013 as your chosen charity.

We do not receive any government funding for the day to day running of our services. As a volunteer led organisation with a ratio of 15 volunteers to each staff member we ensure costs are kept at a minimum and the maximum benefits of the donations we receive goes towards the older people we work with. All funds raised are hugely appreciated and go a long way in the continued provision of our services in the community, the demand for which is ever increasing, with a 25% rise in calls for assistance in 2012.

As members of the nursing community in Ireland you are probably acutely aware of many of the issues faced by older people in today’s society. Your support would carry enormous resonance within the community and be hugely appreciated by us. - ‘Every step makes a difference’ take yours’ for ALONE! 

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Lydia on 01- 6791032 or by email at Please check out our Facebook page ALONE_Ireland for regular updates or follow us on twitter

ALONE- Keeping hearts hopeful.

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