Season's Greetings from NMBI
The NMBI Board and staff would like to wish all registrants and stakeholders a happy Christmas.
We look forward to working with you in the New Year.
Please note we will be open over the holidays from 9am to 5pm, except for 24-26 December 2018 and 1 January 2019.
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Midwifery 100 Years Conference
Left to right: NMBI Interim CEO Dawn Johnston, Dr Sally Pairman, CEO of the International Confederation of Midwives, Minister for Health, Simon Harris and NMBI President, Essene Cassidy |
To mark 100 years of Midwifery Regulation in Ireland, NMBI hosted a national conference to celebrate the regulation and development of the midwifery profession.
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ARF Deadline (31 December 2018)
The Annual Retention Fee (ARF) for 2019 is due for payment before 31st of December 2018.
Method of payment
The majority of nurses and midwives pay their Annual Retention Fee online using My Account.
We encourage all nurses and midwives to set up an online account to pay the ARF or other fees online, check the account balance and download forms.
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Psychiatric Nurse Post-Registration Programme: Standards and Requirements (2018)
The standards and requirements for Psychiatric Nurse Post-Registration have been revised and are now on our website. The document outlines the educational standards and requirements for psychiatric nurse post-registration education programmes set at Level 8 Higher Diploma of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
These are designed to provide guidance to education providers and health care institutions involved in the education of nurses in relation to the development, delivery and evaluation of such programmes.
For further information please email:
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Focus on Fitness to Practice series is launched
The Focus on FTP series will be an 8-part online series of articles from NMBI. These articles will focus on issues in relation to complaints made about registrants.
The primary aim of the series is to inform and guide registrants so that they have increased awareness of fitness to practise issues, and this can inform their practice and behaviour.
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